Category Archives: New York City

A fond memory…

My husband Donner was a wonderful jazz and blues guitar player, performing as a backup player in bands most frequently in NYC and Boston, including recording and playing with Donovan in LA. In fact, when I first lived in NYC I would stand at the door Metropole on Broadway on summer days when the door was open to listen to the wonderful music. Little did I realize that he was at times inside playing.

Music had been Donner’s life until he hit a dead end spiritually and emotionally. Once he came into recovery he considered his music something of a curse — a burden he wished to cast off. By that time, also, he was starting to deal with arthritis in his hands. I encouraged him to play with me, as I felt that could help him heal from the damage of the past. I did not often succeed, but on occasion I did. This is a video of “What Child Is This?” (Greensleeves) from the Die Zauberflote 2014 MOA Holiday concert.